Saturday, July 26, 2008


The exemplary author Lawrence Weschler wrote a book called Everything that Rises. A Book of Convergences.. Here is a convergence of a different genre.
I had a meeting to propose a book project this week. There were ideas, but just before leaving for the city I received a call: "I have something to tell you Kara, your work was at the warehouse being photographed and there has been a burglary". Hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of art and collectables everywhere and yet all they took was my stuff. Kiki Smith had a tray right next to mine. I'm pretty certain that this was an uninformed thief who has been following the outrageous gold standard, now hovering just below a thousand an ounce. My work must have looked delicious since it intentionally resembles a heaping pile of gold trash. When I go to 47th street to buy scrap it is a full on adventure. There are usually long lines of people emptying their pockets of misdirected wedding rings, dead relatives' gold teeth...or carefully lifted junk from a Brooklyn warehouse I'm sure.
I will spend the next weeks attempting to retrieve my trash since it will likely be re-dumped in the yard where I found it. There is a better story (and a new crown) in there somewhere.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

"There's no place like home"....?

I have clicked my heels home more than once in these shoes, sometimes lucky. It is hard not to imagine there is some kind of significance here.
Kansas has apparently developed a serious moisture problem. Town legend says that the building was literally filled with water to cool the cream, hence the lovely brick floors. Yet there was never a mold problem before. Maybe the infamous "endless aquifer" under the Creamery has finally run wild? At least we're prepared for the impending water crisis, maybe I should also try to harvest the fungi?

p.s. the insides of the shoes were meant to be fuzzy...sorry trace, for the unintentional design alteration!
tn29 shoes

Tuesday, July 15, 2008