So sorry to have missed celebrating your birthday with you sis. As you well know it was not because I was at home enjoying my new view to the stars. I have not slept in my own bed in weeks, which is a much less interesting story than it sounds. It could pass for a pretty good Chevy Chase script though.
Scene One: Last Tuesday I drove past the Canadian border with my wallet on the roof of the car. Fortunately, a sheriff found it on the side of the road and called me on my cell nearly two hours later, adding four hours to the mere eight hour trip.
Scene Two: Planned a flight this Tuesday to go back to Canada in time to celebrate my sister's birthday, but instead I left my passport upstate. Having parked my car at Laura and Chris' orchard, I took the train back to Beacon to find I had locked the keys in the car.
Scene Three: AAA broke into the car for me so I could drive home to spend a good six hours following up with the contractors. The drive gave me a chance to remember why I (sort of) moved here:
Scene Four: Far too embarrasing to continue...but I am on my way Aliss. We will try to celebrate this weekend I hope.
sometimes we just have to go through hell...and when you are, keep going.
so happy you made it, safe if not 100% sound
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