Talking about the weather is not small talk when you live in the country. The weather defines physical and mental economies much more directly in a rural landscape. Basically, the weather determines what is in the field which then defines the kind of activity taking place on the roads and at home in the kitchen.
Over the past year my personal relationships with friends and family may have been tested by distance, but I have definitely developed a more intimate relationship with the weather since moving to the country. It is easy to see how ice storms and swingers mingle.
Hey. I'm friend AND family and nothing's been tested.
lunch today?
i guess we still have something to work towards...
my dear friend some day we will be ladies who lunch- let's at least share the beauty we witness in our daily mania...thank you for these beautiful pictures.
we will have lots to talk about one day when things slow down...
oh no.
i forgot.
people are coming up New Year's day for lunch and skating...can you all come?
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