Monday, October 8, 2007



This used to be the Creamery's neighbour and is most likely how the street got its name. Since the use of indigenous materials is part of the scheme here, Bob took me rock hunting this morning. We have become friendly with Mike who bought this amazing old quarry about a year ago. Mike is pleased to have concerned neighbours, so we took advantage and pinched some rocks to misplace in my bathroom floor (images to come).

By the way, this land is being divided for sale in twenty acre plots.


Anonymous said...

mmm. 20 acre plots. music to my ears.


jkarah said...

the land is amazing...come build a house!

Anonymous said...

looks really nice. we should come visit you and take a look. any idea about the cost?


They say it's a cold world said...

yeah, exactly
what does 20 acres of used quarry cost? and does it come with half a mule?

jkarah said...

there are 272 not all rock.
what does one do with half a mule? which half?

Anonymous said...

the front half of the mule tends to be more useful than the back half if one needs to choose. as far as port versus starboard is concerned, well you'll have to ask a sailor.